Category Archives: Mason

Comments on City of Fairfax, University Drive Bike Facilities Project

September 14, 2021

As a long-time bicycle commuter through the City of Fairfax, I appreciate the intentions behind the proposed University Drive Bike Facilities Project. But I fear that the proposal would do little to improve bicycle travel on University Drive, would create new hazards for bicyclists, and would absorb resources best spent elsewhere in the City.

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Mason Has a Vision of Freedom

Back in February, I fretted that the draft vision document for George Mason University did not list freedom as one our core institutional characteristics, as one of our values, or as one of our commitments.

Happily, this has been corrected. The latest draft statement of Values proclaims:

We Honor Freedom of Thought and Expression. We protect the freedom of all members of our community to seek truth and express their views.

That’s better.